PORTFOLIOS > Lightwork


This series pairs my original photography with collage, painting, found photos and collected ephemera to honor the women trying to keep the lights on in dark times.

A Lightworker is an individual who has made the conscious decision to live in alignment with their soul's purpose. They know that we are all interconnected and that their presence has the potential to create positive change. They have made the conscious decision to devote their life to following what lights them up and, in turn, holding up a candle to show others the way.

A Lightworker does not just flit about dispensing light and love, however; quite the contrary. Light is not possible without journeying to the depths and facing the shadow. They know that being a lightworker involves continually going into darkness in order to transmute their wounds into gifts, hence the use of strong contrast in this series to comment on the duality inherent in our nature.