• March 2025- ArtDoc Magazine- Cover and Interview

    March 2025- ArtDoc Magazine- Cover and Interview

    I was recently asked to do an interview and feature article about my work in the latest edition of Artdoc Magazine and I just found out that my work is on the cover - Beyond the Frame: Issue Number 1 2025!

    True to my commitment of being real and authentic in a post-truth, artificial everything era, I answered some insightful questions about the Why of my process, and making art with deeper cultural significance for the times in which we live.

    Artdoc Magazine

  • March 2025- Featured Interview in Black and White Photography Magazine

    March 2025- Featured Interview in Black and White Photography Magazine

    I am delighted to be adding a rather startling amount of color to the latest issue #399 of Black + White Photography Magazine UK with Simon Callow on the cover.

    I was interviewed by the insightful Susan Burnstine for the March issue about my work in the series "How The Light Gets In."

    I am the issue's "American Connection" and in classic American fashion, I go on a bit overmuch about feelings and splash color around to an alarming degree in an otherwise monochrome publication.

    All the pieces in this series began as black and white photographs upon which I layered collected paper ephemera into unfixed collages representing the fragility and brevity of life. I then painted on an abstract dot pattern, rephotographed the pieces and poked hundreds of tiny holes in the resulting prints, adding places for light to get in and love to shine out. It's a multi-faceted process that synthesizes my creative practices to alchemize the dark materials of grief into light.

    I hope you get a chance to read it. It's me once again honoring my commitment to being authentic and real in the face of so much that's artificial and fake in the world. Do I have a vulnerability hangover once again? Yes. Do I regret it? No.

    Though a UK publication, the magazine may be ordered online and is also available at international newsstands and Barnes & Noble in the US.

    Black and White Photography Magazine UK

  • March 2025- Perspective Gallery: Lens 2025

    March 2025- Perspective Gallery: Lens 2025

    This year Perspective Fine Art Photography Gallery in Evanston, Illinois had submissions to the Lens 2025 International Exhibition of more than 1140 images entered by 237 photographers from 34 states and several international countries.

    Juror Hamidah Glasgow, selected 25 works for the exhibition, and my piece "Quicksilver" was one of them. I was also in the Lens Exhibition last year, so it is a real honor.

    March 6 - March 30, 2025

    Opening Reception and Awards: March 8, 5 – 7 p.m.
    Virtual Artists’ Talk, March 20 at 7 p.m. CST

    Perspective Fine Art

  • February 2025- Shots Magazine

    February 2025- Shots Magazine

    I am thrilled to have my piece "Recurring Dream" in the current issue of Shots Magazine- No. 166 - Spring Issue 2025: STATE OF WONDER

    It's an absolutely stunning array of images and I am honored to have my work in the pages with some outstanding talents.

    Shots Magazine

  • February 2025- Joyce Elaine Grant Exhibition

    February 2025- Joyce Elaine Grant Exhibition

    I am so happy to have my piece "Trial By Fire" from my Lightwork series selected for the 19th Biennial Joyce Elaine Grant Exhibition at the Texas Woman's University.

    Juried by Mazie M. Harris, Associate Curator of Photography-
    J. Paul Getty Museum

    Established in 2001, and organized by the graduate photography students at Texas Woman’s University and the Photographic Artists’ Coalition, the biennial Joyce Elaine Grant Photography Exhibition provides a national venue for the exhibition of artistic expression as seen through the eye of the camera. Each year, a distinguished female curator serves as juror for the exhibition and selects images from entries submitted by photographers throughout the United States.

    Exhibition Dates: February 24 through March 21st, 2025

    Joyce Elaine Grant Exhibition

  • February 2025- Praxis Photo Arts Center Gallery

    February 2025- Praxis Photo Arts Center Gallery

    My piece "The Only Way Out Is Through" from my series How The Lights Gets In is at Praxis Photographic Arts Center International Juried Photography Exhibition THE ARTIST INTERVENES, juried by Aline Smithson, Founder and Editor in Chief of Lenscratch.

    *My work was awarded the Curator's Choice Award in this exhibition.

    Praxis Gallery in Minneapolis presents photographic art or lens-based artwork that utilizes physical interventions and investigations of photographic surfaces that can include sewing, cutting, drawing, painting, tearing, bending, and weaving, all ways of interrogating the material qualities of a physical photograph to create new realities.

    Exhibition Dates: Feb. 15 - Mar. 8, 2025

    Praxis Photo Arts Center

  • February 2025- Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland

    February 2025- Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland

    I am excited to once again have my work at Verum Ultimum Gallery in Portland in TREE: Breath of Humanity, curated by the amazing Jennifer Gillia Cutshall. Featured is my piece "To The Light" from my series How The Light Gets In.

    Opening February 15, 2025

    Verum Ultimum Art Gallery
    1513 SE 42nd
    Portland OR 97215

    Verum Ultimum Gallery

  • February 2025- Southeast Center for Photography

    February 2025- Southeast Center for Photography

    I am pleased to have my work in the Shades of Black & White exhibition at the Southeast Center for Photography. The show highlights monochrome photography; images produced with a single hue, rather than recording the colors of the object that was photographed.

    Juried by Susan Burnstine; an award winning fine art and commercial photographer. Susan is represented in galleries across the world, widely published throughout the globe and has also written for photography magazines including a monthly column for Black & White Photography (UK).

    Exhibition Dates 2/1/25- 2/28/25

    Southeast Center for Photography

  • February 2025- Featured Artist Interview Canvas Rebel Magazine

    February 2025- Featured Artist Interview Canvas Rebel Magazine

    I was asked to do an interview with online creative news magazine Canvas Rebel, though I'm not sure I am quite their typical content.

    I have several big interviews and feature articles coming up this Spring, which has required a lot of writing about my work and my life recently. The problem is that once I start yacking about myself, then I don't want to see it or read it or hear about myself again for a long time. I guess it's what they call a vulnerability hangover paired with me just wanting to get back to making art.

    I am going to have to head for high ground over the next few months, because a big tsunami of my own words is coming ashore, ready or not. I am in my era of being afraid and doing it anyway, and if nothing else, I hope that kind of faltering courage is contagious.

    I set an intention, as the world becomes progressively more fake and cold and artificial to become even more authentic and real and vulnerable, so I am just showing up as I am, carrying this big bag of flaws and scars to show others it can be done.

    Canvas Rebel Interview

  • January 2025- Artist Talk Recording at A. Smith Gallery

    January 2025- Artist Talk Recording at A. Smith Gallery

    I am happy to share my recorded artist talk from my Solo Exhibition that ran through January 2025 at A. Smith gallery.

    Instead of showing work from only one series, because I am a rather prolific creator I chose instead to share a selection of twenty pieces I created in 2024 using Light as a major component that ties all the work together with an unifying thread. This talk discusses each piece and some of my inspiration behind my work.

    A. Smith Gallery Artist Talk

  • January 2025- Solo Show at A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    January 2025- Solo Show at A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    I am happy to introduce my Solo Exhibition opening January 1, 2025 at A. Smith gallery and running through the end of January.

    Instead of showing work from only one series, because I am a rather prolific creator I chose instead to share a selection of twenty pieces I created in 2024 using Light as a major component that ties all the work together with an unifying thread.

    I came rushing into 2024 bearing light in my Glimmers series and here I am in my latest work, still carrying a torch, lighting the way forward into 2025.

    One of my series called "How the Lights Gets In" was created in response to a good friend's terminal cancer diagnosis, which landed like a grenade amid the constant bombardment of dark and disturbing news we have all been subject to this year. Reeling, I was looking for a way to express my own grief and society's collective despair, so I used my morning art-making as a therapeutic practice; searching for pinpoints of light in a dark time. I heard an old Leonard Cohen song one day and his words rang true-

    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in.

    Ancient peoples once believed that the stars were holes in the sky where ancestors looked down on us from above; eyes shining. I found great comfort in this simple idea.

    Throughout this past year, I created multiple series of work layering my original photography, vintage found photos and collected paper ephemera, then added places in each piece for light to get in and love to shine out.

    It's a multi-step, multi-disciplinary process that synthesizes my studies in photography, fine art, psychology and mythology to alchemize dark materials into light.

    A. Smith Gallery

  • December 2024- Griffin Museum of Photography, Massachusetts

    December 2024- Griffin Museum of Photography, Massachusetts

    I am happy to have a print in the Winter Solstice 2024 Exhibition at the Griffin Museum of Photography! Come see the array of beautiful photographs and take home a gorgeous limited edition signed archival pigment print

    December 13 – January 5, 2025

    Reception for the Artists — Saturday December 14th 4 to 6pm

    In the darkness of winter, we search for the light. Our Winter Solstice Members Exhibition brings together our community, lighting up the museum with images, ideas, and boundless creativity, celebrating the works of our photo community in all of its splendor.

    This annual celebration highlights the medium of photography in all of its forms. We love sharing your vision with the world, and look forward to our annual gathering of images, ideas and vision.

    Griffin Museum of Photography

  • December 2024- Center for Photographic Art California

    December 2024- Center for Photographic Art California

    I am happy to have my piece Losing My Religion accepted into the Center for Photographic Art 2024 International Juried Exhibition.

    2024 International Juried Exhibition
    On view: November 23 - December 29, 2024
    Carmel, California

    Always thrilled to have my work selected by Juror Elizabeth Avedon

    Center for Photographic Art

  • December 2024- Artdoc International Photography Magazine

    December 2024- Artdoc International Photography Magazine

    I am always excited to have my work published in Artdoc Magazine.

    Artdoc Issue #6, 2024, Life Today, presents a broad collection of photographs portraying various aspects of our everyday lives. Life Today highlights the idea that all photographs inherently reflect the era in which we live. This issue captures the rhythms, connections, and stories that define our contemporary world. From natural landscapes to the intimacy of human relationships, and from everyday moments to abstract expressions, these photographs reveal our lives today.

    Artdoc Magazine

  • December 2024- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    December 2024- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    Pleased to have my piece "Pathfinder" accepted into the December exhibition "She" at A. Smith Gallery in Texas.

    Juror | Polly Gaillard, Program Director at Photolucida

    Exhibition dates | December 20, 2024 to January 30, 2025

    Reception | December 28, 2024 3pmCDT YouTube video

    A. Smith Gallery

  • November 2024- Headon Photo Awards, Australia

    November 2024- Headon Photo Awards, Australia

    This year was my first time entering my work in the Headon International Photo Awards, so I am pleased to be named a semi-finalist and have my work shown at the Headon Photofest in Sydney Australia in November.

    Headon Photofest

  • November 2024- Catch Light Magazine Interview

    November 2024- Catch Light Magazine Interview

    I am thrilled to have a featured interview in the new Catch Light magazine by Joy Sussman

    Catch Light Magazine

  • October 2024- Interview in Thinking About Photography

    October 2024- Interview in Thinking About Photography

    It is a thrill to have my work featured in the Experimental Photography issue of Thinking About Photography by Ann Mitchell.

    Thinking About Photography

  • October 2024- LA Photo Curator Award

    October 2024- LA Photo Curator Award

    I am so honored to have my Altarpiece Series selected as Best Series in THE HANDMADE TALE: LA PHOTO CURATOR Global Photography Awards

    Juried by Debbie Achen and Diana Bloomfield, I am proud that this work is being highlighted by Laurie Freitag at LA Photo Curator who does so much to advance the medium and embrace all the possibilities for the future of fine art photography.

    LA Photo Curator

  • October 2024- Midwest Nice- Art as Storytelling

    October 2024- Midwest Nice- Art as Storytelling

    I am happy to share that my piece A Box Full of Stars was included in the Midwest Nice Art exhibition- Art As Storytelling juried by Aline Smithson.

    Juror's statement-
    I was recently in discussion with a significant curator, and she asked, “how is this work elevating the medium and pushing boundaries? Show me something new!” I thought it was an important question and consideration for this exhibition, as creating art in 2024 is filled will endless possibilities. More than ever, artists have become the important storytellers in this complex world we live in. Visual art, in its myriad forms, serves as a universal language. Art interpretation transcends the barriers of culture and language, offering a unique medium through which artists convey their stories. Visual art possesses the remarkable ability to communicate complex ideas, evoke emotions, and leave an indelible mark on the viewer.

    As a juror, I look for unique and elevated approaches with more than one layer of articulation. The work needs to reveal a quality of expression that is poetic, magical, meaningful, and/or creative. Also, I am not only selecting single images, but also curating a collection of works into an exhibition that needs to feel fresh, have a strong point of view, and speak to art and storytelling in 2024.

    Midwest Nice Art

  • October 2024- Verum Ultimum Gallery Portland, Oregon

    October 2024- Verum Ultimum Gallery Portland, Oregon

    Verum Ultimum Art Gallery Presents

    Chasing Ghosts VIII: Piercing the Veil through Remembrance, Legacy, and Beyond

    Opening Reception
    Saturday, October 26th from 5-7

    Verum Ultimum Art Gallery
    1513 SE 42nd
    Portland, OR 97215

    Verum Ultimum Gallery

  • September 2024- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    September 2024- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    I am really excited to have two pieces from my recent series "How The Light Gets In" selected for A Smith Gallery's Open/Unmoored Exhibition juried by Debra Klomp Ching of KlompChing Gallery in Brooklyn

    Exhibition dates | September 27 to November 7, 2024

    Reception | October 26, 2024 3pm CDT

    A. Smith Gallery

  • 2024- Photolucida Critical Mass Top 200 Finalist

    2024- Photolucida Critical Mass Top 200 Finalist

    I am filled with gratitude right now to learn that my series "Lost and Found" was chosen for the Photolucida Critical Mass Top 200.

    If you were following my Instagram in June while I was working on this series, you will know that I sat at my desk and wept every single day as I was creating these pieces about the death of my twin daughter and the long-term effects this tragedy had on the mother and daughter who remain.

    I am a private person and not weepy by nature, but I absolutely poured my heart's blood into this cathartic work and I am honored to have it recognized by an international panel of pre-screening jurors. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be both vulnerable and brave while telling our story.

    It feels like a tremendous affirmation of the work I do every day to have two very different series recognized by Critical Mass two years in a row.

    Photolucida Critical Mass

  • September 2024- Aline Smithson Selects Exhibition- Atlanta, Georgia

    September 2024- Aline Smithson Selects Exhibition- Atlanta, Georgia

    Thank you to the amazing Aline Smithson, founder and editor in chief of Lenscratch for including my piece Underworld from my Lost and Found series in the upcoming Aline Smithson Selects 2024 exhibition at Atlanta Photography Group.

    The show will run from September 17-October 12, 2024 and wow is it going to be a stellar group of images from so many talented photographers!

    Atlanta Photography Group

  • September 2024- Artdoc International Photography Magazine

    September 2024- Artdoc International Photography Magazine

    I am always so happy to have my work in Artdoc Magazine.

    The Expressive Nature Issue features a piece from my recent series How The Light Gets In.

    Artdoc Magazine

  • August 2024- Shots Magazine

    August 2024- Shots Magazine

    I am proud to have my work in SHOTS MAGAZINE No. 164 -
    Fall Issue 2024: TIME TRAVEL.

    I have been a reader and admirer of SHOTS for many years, so it is a pleasure to have my work included in such fine company.


  • August 2024- Phototrouvee Magazine Issue 14

    August 2024- Phototrouvee Magazine Issue 14

    Delighted to announce that print issue 14 of Phototrouvee Magazine is now available and my work is in its glorious pages as a two page double spread.

    Also- I'm going to be doing a little Artist Talk with them on September 27. Stay tuned for details.

    Phototrouvee Magazine

  • August 2024- A. Smith Gallery

    August 2024- A. Smith Gallery

    Happy to have my work in the Portraits exhibition at A. Smith Gallery and very proud to have received The Juror's Award for my piece "Rose Red."

    Juror | Donna Garcia, Director of Education & Programs, Griffin Museum — Boston, MA

    Exhibition dates | August 16 to September 26, 2024

    Reception | October 26, 2024 3pm CDT YouTube video

    A. Smith Gallery

  • July 2024- International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum

    July 2024- International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum

    I am happy to have two pieces selected for the Behind the Veil Juried Exhibition at the International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum in St. Louis.

    Juried by Elizabeth Opalenik, I am in truly stellar company with many talented photographic artists.

    International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum

  • July 2024- Review in The Boston Globe

    July 2024- Review in The Boston Globe

    My work in the Griffin Museum of Photography members exhibition got a little mention in The Boston Globe by art critic Mark Feeney.

    Spooky? You bet. Artists always pick up on the zeitgeist of the times and yes, the times are spooky indeed.

  • July 2024- Review on What Will You Remember

    July 2024- Review on What Will You Remember

    Delighted to have my piece in the Griffin Museum 30th Annual Members Exhibition reviewed by Elin Spring Of What Will You Remember. Thank you for your insight.

    The show continues through the end of July and I am honored to be in such stellar company.

    What Will You Remember

  • July 2024- Southeast Center for Photography

    July 2024- Southeast Center for Photography

    My two pieces I Was Your Sister and Abuelita were selected to be included in the upcoming Family Ties exhibition at The SE Center for Photography in Greenville, South Carolina

    Juried by Lia Latty, Founder of Black Is Magazine and veteran pre-screen juror for Photolucida Critical Mass. Thanks Lia!

    Exhibition dates | July 5- 27, 2024

    SE Center for Photography

  • June 2024- Griffin Museum of Photography, Massachusetts

    June 2024- Griffin Museum of Photography, Massachusetts

    I’m thrilled to have my piece "Stellaluna" from my Lost in Space series selected by juror Mazie Harris, Assistant Curator of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum for the upcoming 30th Annual Members Juried Exhibition exhibition at The Griffin Museum of Photography in Massachusetts.

    I’m honored to have my work chosen as one of only 60 images out of 1,400 submitted.

    Exhibition dates | June 20 – July 28, 2024
    Reception for the Artists – June 22nd, 6 to 8pm

    Griffin Museum of Photography

  • June 2024- Houston Center for Photography

    June 2024- Houston Center for Photography

    I’m honored to have my piece "Lockdown" from The Lost Years series selected by juror Leo Hsu, Executive Director at the Silvereye Center for Photography for the 41st Center Annual Juried Exhibition exhibition at The Houston Center for Photography.

    Exhibition dates | June 13 – August 18, 2024

    Houston Center for Photography

  • June 2024- ArtDoc International Photography Magazine

    June 2024- ArtDoc International Photography Magazine

    Delighted to have two pieces of my work in the current exhibition at Artdoc Magazine.

    This online photo exhibition, Invisible Threads, features the works of photographers from around the globe. Each artist captures the unseen connections that intertwine our lives. Invisible Threads delves into the subtle and often overlooked bonds that form the fabric of our existence. From the intricate relationships between people and their environments to the emotional and spiritual ties that link communities, this exhibition showcases a diverse range of perspectives on what connects us in the modern world. Join us on a journey through the unseen and unspoken as Invisible Threads unravels the profound narratives hidden within the mundane. Discover the power of photography to connect us all, transcending the barriers of distance and time.

    Artdoc Magazine

  • June 2024- New Orleans Photo Alliance @ Kolaj Fest

    June 2024- New Orleans Photo Alliance @ Kolaj Fest

    I am proud to have my mixed media piece "The Kintsugi Altarpiece" selected for WHEN PHOTOGRAPHY MEETS COLLAGE, an Exhibition at New Orleans Photo Alliance as part of Kolaj Fast NOLA 24

    Exhibition Dates 9 June-28 July 2024

    New Orleans Photo Alliance
    Kolaj Fest NOLA

  • June 2024- PhotoSC, South Carolina

    June 2024- PhotoSC, South Carolina

    My piece Still Life was selected to be included in the upcoming BECOMING: The Feminist Image exhibition at PhotoSC in Columbia, South Carolina

    Juried by Elizabeth Avedon

    This piece “Still Life” from my “Follies” series uses 100+ year old vintage risqué photographs of Vaudeville chorus girls layered with my original photography to take back the female form from the all-consuming male gaze. The title Still Life reveals that though the nude female body is presented as an object for consumption, we are at the same time reminded that there is still life and value in a woman’s existence beyond her youth and beauty. I have literally turned the nude female forms on their heads and covered them in roses to highlight both the big dreams and the acute vulnerability of these young women who, 100 years ago, had so few choices in life; traditional marriage and motherhood or, for a brief taste of the big city, objectification and exploitation. Either choice demanded a pound of female flesh.

    Created in the middle of Women's History Month 2024, this work questions what has really changed since our great-great grandmothers moved through this world 100 years ago, when today my daughter has fewer rights to her own bodily autonomy than I did at her age.

    Exhibition dates | June 21 – July 14, 2024


  • May 2024- Center for Fine Art Photography- Colorado

    May 2024- Center for Fine Art Photography- Colorado

    I’m excited to have my piece "Eidolon" from The Wolf Diaries series selected by juror Aline Smithson for the Words & Pictures exhibition at The Center for Fine Art Photography in Colorado.

    Exhibition dates | May 7 - January 31, 2025


  • 2024 Maryland State Arts Council Grant Award

    2024 Maryland State Arts Council Grant Award

    I'm so proud that my adopted home state of Maryland has awarded my work in the visual arts with a 2024 Maryland State Arts Council Grant!

    Thank you for your stalwart support of the arts and independent artists.

    Maryland State Arts Council

  • May 2024- Southeast Center for Photography

    May 2024- Southeast Center for Photography

    My piece "Passion" from my Natural History series was selected by juror Wendi Schneider for the upcoming Flora 2024 exhibition at The Southeast Center for Photography in South Carolina.

    Exhibition dates | 5/3/24 - 6/1/24

    SE Center for Photography

  • March 2024- Perspective Gallery- Illinois

    March 2024- Perspective Gallery- Illinois

    I’m so pleased to have my piece "Crossroads" from my Glimmers series selected by juror Aline Smithson for the upcoming Lens 2024 exhibition at Perspective Gallery in Evanston, Illinois.
    I’m humbled to have my work chosen as one of only 26 images out of 1,350 submitted.

    Exhibition dates | February 29 - March 31, 2024
    Opening Reception and Awards: March 2, 2024, 5 – 7 p.m.
    Virtual Artists’ Talk: March 7th at 7:00 p.m. CST

    Perspective Gallery

  • February 2024- Artdoc Magazine

    February 2024- Artdoc Magazine

    My piece “Overkill” from the Glimmers series is in the Creative Photography exhibition Artdoc Magazine.

    "Creative Photography" is an innovative online exhibition showcasing the boundless experiments of photography. In this digital realm, we invite you to immerse yourself in various visual research, where each photographic artist shows their view on their surroundings with unique techniques. This exhibition shows the realm of creative photography that transcends traditional boundaries, offering viewers a glimpse into the diverse perspectives and interpretations of the world around us. Witness the convergence of artistry and technology as photographers harness digital tools to push the boundaries of visual storytelling, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Each photograph serves as a window into the artist's vision, inviting viewers to see the world through the artist's eyes.

    Artdoc Magazine

  • February 2024- Praxis Photo Arts Center Gallery

    February 2024- Praxis Photo Arts Center Gallery

    My piece Overkill was selected for the upcoming "Open" Exhibition at Praxis Photo Arts Center Gallery in Minneapolis and received an Honorable Mention award from the juror.

    Juried by Aline Smithson, I am so pleased to be selected for this show debuting new work from my "Glimmers" series.

    Exhibition dates | February 17- March 9, 2024

    Praxis Gallery

  • February 2024- Density Press- Personally Yours

    February 2024- Density Press- Personally Yours

    Images from my series "The Lost Years" are featured in the Personally Yours exhibition in Density Press.

    The exhibition features a wide range of narratives, from those grounded in the memory of deceased loved ones to renders made special by the wondrous presence of light - images based on canons of photographic history and those that showcase a grittier side of life.

    Density Press

  • January 2024- South x Southeast Gallery

    January 2024- South x Southeast Gallery

    My piece Half Moon was selected for the upcoming "40 Over 40" Exhibition at South by Southeast Gallery online

    Juried by Elizabeth Avedon, the show features work by artists over forty demonstrating "excellence that she found visually or emotionally compelling, with a fresh point of view."

    Exhibition dates | January- February, 2024

    SXSE Gallery

  • January 2024- Overlapse Publishing, London

    January 2024- Overlapse Publishing, London

    Pleased to have my work published by Overlapse in "Stir the Pot;"
    a collaborative photography and mixed-media publication. Through a serendipitous unity of differing perspectives on the theme, Stir the Pot assembles visual responses to a broad mix of feelings experienced during a period of unrest and societal turmoils.

    The project constitutes a celebration of established and emerging artists, working with images and other creative disciplines, and is a culmination of solace-seeking, political fervour, and paths taken towards nourishment and healing.

    Overlapse Publishing

  • 2023- Winner- Julia Margaret Cameron Awards for Women Photographers

    2023- Winner- Julia Margaret Cameron Awards for Women Photographers

    I feel truly honored to be the winner of Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers in the Segregation and Human Rights category for my "Ain't I a Woman" series.

    Thank you to jurors Elizabeth Avedon, Ann Jastrab and Elizabeth Krist for the recognition of my work.

    The overall award winners and category winners will have work shown at the Gala Exhibition at FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona, Spain in April 2024.

    Julia Margaret Cameron Awards

  • 2023- Photolucida Critical Mass 2023 Finalist

    2023- Photolucida Critical Mass 2023 Finalist

    I am pleased to have been named a Photolucida Critical Mass Top 200 Finalist for 2023. Work from my "Ain't I a Woman" series has been shown in ten different galleries around the country in this year of my creative renaissance and I could not be more proud to have the opportunity to "Lift Every Voice" and let this body of work sing to a wider audience.

    I am humbled and creatively uplifted to have my work validated at this level. Thank you to the pre-screening panel for this vote of confidence and to the jurors who had the unenviable task of choosing from all the outstanding work of my fellow photographers.

    Photolucida Critical Mass 2023

  • December 2023- ArtDoc Magazine- Through My Lens

    December 2023- ArtDoc Magazine- Through My Lens

    Two pieces from my "I Have My Ways of Praying" series were selected for publication in the International Juried Photography Magazine ARTDOC: Through My Lens exhibition


  • December 2023- Southeast Center for Photography

    December 2023- Southeast Center for Photography

    My piece I Was Your Sister, was selected to be included in the upcoming Members exhibition at The SE Center for Photography in Greenville, South Carolina

    Juried by Maria Kelly, Assistant Curator of Photography at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta

    Exhibition dates | December 1, 2023- January 27, 2024

    SE Center for Photography

  • November 2023- One Twelve Publishing: Poignant Pics Feature

    November 2023- One Twelve Publishing: Poignant Pics Feature

    I'm honored to be featured in One Twelve Publishing's Poignant Pics . I was interviewed about my photographic mixed media piece "The Kintsugi Altarpiece" by Diana Nicholette Jeon, touching on my ancestors' ties with slavery and the work I'm doing to heal this unholy legacy in my family line.

    One Twelve Publishing Poignant Pics No. 91

  • November 2023- Colorado Photographic Arts Center

    November 2023- Colorado Photographic Arts Center

    My piece I Was Your Sister, was selected to be included in the upcoming "TELL ME A STORY:The Role of Storytelling in Photography Exhibition at The Colorado Photographic Arts Center in Denver, Colorado

    Juried by Mary Statzer, Curator of Prints and Photography at the University of New Mexico Art Museum

    Exhibition dates | November 30, 2023 – January 6, 2024

    Colorado Photographic Arts Center

  • November 2023- Arc Gallery, San Francisco

    November 2023- Arc Gallery, San Francisco

    My piece "Inner Child" is featured in "The Space Between" National Juried exhibition at Arc Gallery in San Francisco, California

    Curated by Karen M. Gutfreund

    Exhibition dates | November 18 to December 16, 2023
    Reception | November 18, 2023

    Arc Gallery San Francisco

  • November 2023- Montpelier Arts Center, Maryland

    November 2023- Montpelier Arts Center, Maryland

    My mixed media piece "The Kintsugi Altarpiece" is featured in the PIVOTAL: Arts and Activism exhibition at Montpelier Arts Center in Maryland, curated by the Women's Caucus for Art of Washington, DC

    Exhibition dates | November 13 to January 1, 2023
    Reception | December 3, 2023

    WCADC Exhibitions

  • October 2023- ArtDoc Magazine- Healing Nature

    October 2023- ArtDoc Magazine- Healing Nature

    My two pieces "Messengers" and "Meditation" from my Biophilia series were selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Magazine ARTDOC: Healing Nature exhibition


  • October 2023- University of North Dakota

    October 2023- University of North Dakota

    My piece "Lift Every Voice" has been selected for the
    LAND, RACE, and ACTIVISM: National Juried Exhibition at the Myers Gallery of Art, University of North Dakota

    Juried by Mariela Acuna- Exhibitions and Residency Manager at the Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL

    Exhibition Dates: October 2 – 26, 2023

  • September 2023- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    September 2023- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    My two pieces "Dreamweaver" and "To Build Out of My Life a Few Wild Stanzas" are featured in the Imagined exhibition at A. Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas.

    Juror | Susan Burnstine

    Exhibition dates | September 15 to October 26, 2023
    Reception | September 30, 2023 3pmCDT

    A.Smith Gallery

  • September 2023- Phototrouvee Magazine

    September 2023- Phototrouvee Magazine

    Pleased to have four pieces from my "Out of Body" mixed media series featured in Phototrouvee Magazine's "Monochromatic" Exhibition

    September, 2023

    Phototrouvee Magazine

  • August 2023- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    August 2023- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    My piece "Five Thousand Summers" from the new Ghosts of Caledonia series is featured in the Landscapes exhibition at A. Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas.

    Juror | Kevin Tully

    Exhibition dates | August 4 to September 14, 2023

    Reception | August 26, 2023 3pm CST YouTube video

    A. Smith Gallery

  • July 2023- Decode Gallery- Tucson, Arizona

    July 2023- Decode Gallery- Tucson, Arizona

    My piece "Banshee" was selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Exhibition DARKNESS juried by Holly Hart at Decode Gallery in Tucson, Arizona.

    “Banshee” from my 2023 "Memento Mori" series was created in response to no less than seven loved ones being diagnosed or dying from cancer in the space of a few short years. A Banshee is a fairy from ancient Irish legends and her scream is believed to be an omen of death. The scream is called ‘caoine’ in Gaelic which means ‘keening’ and is a warning that there will be an imminent death in the family. A Banshee is a disembodied spirit and can appear as a pale woman wearing a white dress with shrouded long hair. The grim reality of illness and death surrounding the people I love inspired me to look directly at the Banshee without letting its keening cry overcome my own will to live and go on creating light in this world in the face of darkness.

    Exhibition Dates
    July 8 August 5, 2023

    Decode Gallery

  • June 2023- ArtDoc International Photography Magazine

    June 2023- ArtDoc International Photography Magazine

    My two pieces "Surface to Air" and "Off Grid" were selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Magazine ARTDOC: Enigma of Life, Issue 3: 2023.


  • July 2023- Women's Caucus for Art DC

    July 2023- Women's Caucus for Art DC

    My piece "Self Portrait with Some Initial Discomfort" from my "Deus Ex Machina" series was selected for inclusion in the Women's Caucus for Art DC self portrait exhibition "What Do You See When You Look at Me?" at Popcorn Gallery at Glen Echo, Maryland, a US National Park Service property.

    Exhibition Dates- July 7-30, 2023

    Women's Caucus For Art DC

  • June 2023- Center for Fine Art Photography

    June 2023- Center for Fine Art Photography

    My piece "Girl From the Low Country" was selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Exhibition
    REVISITING THE FAMILY ALBUM:Stories That Bind Us juried by Aline Smithson at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Colorado

    Online Exhibition

    June 6 - December 31, 2023

    Virtual Reception and Artist’s Talks | July 13, 2023

    Center for Fine Art Photography

  • June 2023- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    June 2023- A. Smith Gallery, Texas

    My piece "Undertow" was selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Exhibition WATER juried by Elizabeth Avedon at A. Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas. My piece was one of 27 selected for publication in the Fine Art Limited Edition Exhibition Book from the show.

    Exhibition Dates

    June 23 - August 8, 2023

    Reception | July 29, 2023

    A. Smith Gallery

  • June 2023- Dallas Center for Photography

    June 2023- Dallas Center for Photography

    My piece "A New Day Begun" was selected for inclusion and won the Third Place Award in the International Juried Photography Exhibition
    HOLD UP HALF THE SKY, PHOTOGRAPHS BY WOMEN juried by Aline Smithson and on display at the Dallas Center for Photography in Dallas, Texas

    “I’m so excited to celebrate and shine a light on women in photography. Today, women are commanding significant recognition for their profound storytelling and ways of seeing and understanding the world. Our stories are important, and our photographs reflect an expanded and exciting time in photography. For Hold up Half the Sky, we are looking for work by ALL WOMEN regardless of age, experience, education, race, sexual orientation, or location. Our goal is to create an exhibition that reflects a broad array of approaches to creating photographs, i.e. spectacular images that tell our stories, consider our planet, or simply reflect the journey of women in today’s world.” -Aline Smithson

    Opening Night Reception: JUNE 10th 6 PM – 8 PM CST
    Exhibition Dates: June 10TH - June 23RD, 2023

    Dallas Center for Photography

  • June 2023- Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence

    June 2023- Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence

    My piece "Stony the Road" was selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Exhibition WORDS MATTER; Found, Created or Imagined juried by John Femino, Gershon Stark & David DeMelim and on display at the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts in Providence, Rhode Island

    "Words Matter… an important concept, but lost on many, especially in this digital age, where lies spread faster than truth and sermons delineating the difference between Facts and Truth are all the rage. Words last long after people who spoke them have faded away… motivational, stifling, humorous or ironic the addition or inclusion of words can change how we view an image, or how we view the world."

    Exhibition Dates: June 14 - July 15, 2023

    Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts

  • June 2023- PhotoPlace Gallery, Vermont

    June 2023- PhotoPlace Gallery, Vermont

    My piece "Sentry" was selected for inclusion in the International Juried Photography Exhibition QUIET LANDSCAPE jurored by
    Wendi Schneider and on display at the PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont

    "These quiet landscapes have not obscured their melodies — the artists have elevated silence, allowing us to interject imagined avian tones, wisps of wings, or a trickling of water. Thank you for allowing me to revel in your peaceful worlds. May each of us find moments of respite in these tranquil views." — Wendi Schneider

    Exhibition Dates: June 8 - July 6, 2023

    PhotoPlace Gallery

  • June 2023- Maryland State Arts Council Triennial Exhibition- Baltimore

    June 2023- Maryland State Arts Council Triennial Exhibition- Baltimore

    My piece "Vine and Fig Tree" from my "Ain't I a Woman?" series was selected for inclusion in the Maryland State Arts Council Triennial Exhibition in Baltimore.

    In celebration of the talented and diverse array of artists across the state, the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) and Maryland Art Place (MAP) are pleased to present the third Maryland Arts Directory exhibition showcasing the high-caliber, diverse, and relevant work of Maryland’s artists and arts organizations that promote the vitality of Maryland’s arts communities. My work was selected by Visual Arts jurors Jayme McLellan - Founder and Director of Civilian Art Projects and José Ruiz – Director and Faculty, Curatorial Practices Program at the Maryland Institute College of Art. The exhibition will take place on three floors of the MAP building located at 218 West Saratoga Street between Park and Howard’s streets in downtown Baltimore.

    The opening reception will be held Thursday, May 18 at 6pm and the exhibition runs May 18 - June 24, 2023.

    MSAC at Maryland Art Place

  • May 2023- Praxis Photo Arts Center, Minneapolis

    May 2023- Praxis Photo Arts Center, Minneapolis

    My piece "Surface to Air" was selected for inclusion and won an Honorable Mention award in the International Juried Photography Exhibition THE SHADOW ASPECT, juried by Sarah Weiss and on display at the Praxis Photo Arts Center Gallery in Minneapolis, Minnesota

    ‘Most people think that shadows follow, precede, surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses, and memories.’ - Elie Wiesel.

    Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the formal, conceptual, and metaphoric implications of the shadow. Submissions may focus on the shadow as pure visual form expressed through the creation of line, shape, pattern, and texture. They may also examine the cultural and psychological implications of the shadow - exploring ideas of foreboding, internal conflict, passages into the unconsciousness, or other ephemeral interpretations.

    Opening Night Reception: May 20TH, 6-8 PM CST
    Exhibition Dates: May 20TH - June 3RD, 2023

    Praxis Gallery

  • May 2023- Woman Made Gallery, Chicago

    May 2023- Woman Made Gallery, Chicago

    My piece, "Kintsukuroi" was selected for inclusion in the Woman Life Freedom exhibition juried by Shahrbanoo Hamzeh and on display from May 6 to June 3, 2023 at Woman Made Gallery- Chicago, Illinois.

    'Woman Life Freedom is a slogan that the women of Iran are chanting on the streets in​ an unfair war with the gender apartheid regime to gain their basic human rights and bodily​ autonomy back. Beginning on September 16th, 2022, with Mahsa Amini’s unjust death, Iranian​ people have been shedding blood, sweat, and tears while protesting in the streets for freedom.​ ​We can play our part for freedom through art."

    "I believe artists are able to take up the fight for​ women’s rights and become the voice of Iranian women. This exhibition is centered on women’s rights and is an act in solidarity with the brave​ women who are putting their life on the line for freedom. Inspired by the lack of awareness​ surrounding the more than four decades of state-sanctioned violence perpetuated by the​ Islamic Republic against Iranian women, I am inviting you to share your story. What needs to be​ heard and what needs to be changed? Our fight for women’s rights everywhere will not end until each​ and every one of us is free. Woman Life Freedom brings together information, conversation,​ ​and visual elements surrounding this huge fight for human rights. With this exhibition, we are​ hoping to elevate and add to the Iranian women’s voice."
    -Shahrbanoo Hamzeh

    Woman Made Gallery

  • May 2023- Hera Gallery, Rhode Island

    May 2023- Hera Gallery, Rhode Island

    My piece "Circle" was selected for inclusion in the Hera Gallery National Juried Exhibition "Oh, Mother" Juried by Nadiah Rivera Fellah, Associate Curator at the Cleveland Museum of Art

    The word MOTHER - as both a verb and a noun - is rich and timeless, yet overdetermined, and even controversial when gendered and rendered exclusive. Mothers and motherhood have been romanticized and glorified since the Venus of Willendorf and have been the subject of representation over the ages in every ethnic, cultural, religious, spiritual, social, and environmental contexts.

    What does the word MOTHER mean to you? As a child of a mother? As a witness to a mother? As a mother, or a person who mothers? As a human being deeply connected to Mother Earth? As an artist, what images does the notion of motherhood conjure up in you? Are they generous and abundant, filled with nourishment and laughter? Or are they frail, overwhelming, and Confusing? Are they filled with a sense of darkness, destruction, or a void? This exhibition at Hera Gallery will show works which examine, unravel, deconstruct, and re-write the myths of motherhood.

    Exhibition Dates: May 13th- June 17th, 2023

    Hera Gallery

  • April 2023- The Center for Photographic Art, California

    April 2023- The Center for Photographic Art, California

    My piece, "Lift Every Voice" from my "Aint' I a Woman" series was selected for inclusion in the 2023 Members Juried Exhibition at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, California.

    Juror Hamidah Glasgow, Executive Director and Curator at The Center for Fine Art Photography chose this piece of my work out of 2,200 entries to be displayed in the CPA gallery, website, and published in the 2023 MJE catalog.

    The exhibition runs from April 1 – May 14, 2023.

    The Center for Photographic Art

  • April 2023- Rosenthal Gallery, North Carolina

    April 2023- Rosenthal Gallery, North Carolina

    My piece "Lift Every Voice" has been chosen for inclusion in the 2023 Feminist Insight: Continuing Her Story exhibition in the Rosenthal Gallery, Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville, North Carolina

    In this juried exhibition, artists explore the politics, struggles, adversity, and triumphs of women, past, present, and future through their visual practice.

    Exhibition dates March 21 – April 29, 2023

    Ellington-White Contemporary at FSU's Rosenthal Gallery

  • April 2023- Marin Society of Artists, California

    April 2023- Marin Society of Artists, California

    My piece, "Material World" is featured in the
    Marin Society of Artists Exposed: Fine Art Photography Exhibition
    San Rafael, California

    April 1 - May 31, 2023


  • April 2023- Monmouth University, New Jersey

    April 2023- Monmouth University, New Jersey

    Diversity Lives Here: Representation Through Art

    My piece "Lift Every Voice" will be part of an exhibition across Monmouth University campus in New Jersey from March 15, 2023, through January 1, 2024

    The United States is more racially and ethnically diverse than ever before. Subsequently, higher education institutions are now comprised of a more diverse community. Despite an increasingly more diverse population, many colleges and universities have physical spaces that do not represent their own communities. Monmouth University is committed to change.

  • March 2023- D'Art Center, Virginia

    March 2023- D'Art Center, Virginia

    Persistence V is an annual exhibition since 2019 at The d’Art Center in Norfolk, Virginia and features work from female artists from across the country in honor of Women’s History Month.

    Come see three pieces of my newest work featured in this show that runs from March 18- April 11, 2023

    D'Art Center

  • March 2023- Visionary Art Collective, New York

    March 2023-  Visionary Art Collective, New York

    Opening March 18, 2023 at Visionary Art Collective

    How do our memories and experiences impact our work?

    As artists, we often create as a tool for visual processing. In turn, our work becomes a culmination of all that we have experienced in our lives thus far. Our memories, dreams, and perceptions are woven into narratives that are deeply personal and yet still universal. In this exhibition, we are showcasing that explores the connection between memory, experience, and perception, and how those elements inspire the creative process.

    Inside a Memory, Curated by Ekaterina Popova of Create! Magazine

  • March 2023- Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, Oregon

    March 2023- Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, Oregon

    Manifesting Through the Layers

    My piece "Lost In Translation" was selected for inclusion in this online exhibition featuring work whose

    "visual and symbolic layers build upon meaning, texture, variety, and exploration with connective threads of the figure, elements of nature, home, comfort, identity, and psychic undercurrents within a maximalist tapestry reflecting our complex time. The figure is a punctuating note within the striations of the narrative and appears as a disrupted (or an obscured) presence. The surfaces and the chaotic interpretations serve as a mirror to the many convolutions of existence today."

    Verum Ultimum Gallery - Portland, Oregon

  • March 2023- The Artist's Gallery, Maryland

    March 2023-  The Artist's Gallery, Maryland

    Catch a glimpse of my newest work at an eclectic Maryland gallery as I dive back into showing my work again locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

    The show runs March 1-29, 2023

    The Artist's Gallery EC